Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Some plane shenanigans

 Having a play about with video editing again, this time with video speeds.

The GoPro did well with the stabilisation, especially in inflight bit, you can see the wingtip wobbling about.

The horizon levelling did go a bit wonky during takeoff and landing, the sensor is fooled by the change in speed and it buggers up the system.

Friday, 8 July 2022

Snow & Sunshine

A quick trip to Christchurch with a day road trip to Westport & Greymouth. Very windy roads and bugger all mobile coverage - great fun trying to deal with work dramas. 
Stopped in Reefton for something to eat and they seemed to be very proud they have electric lights. I assumed it was because they were so isolated they haven't realised the rest of NZ also has electricity. Wikipedia says it's because they were the first town to get them in the Southern Hemisphere but I suspect it's s combination of the two. 

It was a very scenic trip back to Christchurch with the snow capped mountains in the sunset. 
Coming back today I've managed to get to Wellington and not much further. My flight from Christchurch to Auckland was cancelled but I was able to get a replacement with a stop in Wellington. A long stop because they keep on delaying the second flight. And every other flight going by the endless announcements and pissed off travellers. 
This does not bode well for the other flight I've got in six weeks time!